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Colorado department of higher education executive director applauds CMU innovation and effort

On the eve of CMU's return to campus, Colorado Department of Higher Education Executive Director Dr. Angie Paccione experienced first-hand the virus prevention protocols developed by medical experts for Colorado Mesa University. The tools and protocols were created during the Safe Together, Strong Together return to campus planning initiative. The effort to return to campus has been the primary focus of CMU for the past several months. Paccione's visit to campus occurred as students were returning, and she observed how the plan was working.

"Dr. Paccione not only received a COVID-19 test while at our drive-up/walk-through testing location, but also experienced our new temperature monitoring technology, testing protocols, disinfecting practices and other virus prevention measures. Our team also presented CMU's symptom checking and contact tracing plan that is ready to go as positive cases on campus are identified throughout the semester," said CMU President Tim Foster. "We appreciate her team visiting campus and seeing first hand what we have invested in to make in-person learning possible."

Paccione provided a guest lecture in a freshman year orientation class taught by Foster and CMU Vice President John Marshall. She also met with area medical experts, toured residence halls and observed food service facilities. After the event, Dr. Paccione met with Foster and campus leaders to discuss emerging issues about higher education and management of the pandemic.

For more information about the Safe Together, Strong Together plan click here.


Written by David Ludlam

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